Ten Mile NewsLocal news for Ten Mile, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Runner Who Died in Army Ten-Miler Had Clogged Arteries- November 30, 2007 A young runner who collapsed near the finish line of last month's Army Ten-Miler died of natural causes. via WTOPhttp://www.topix.net/city/ten-mile-tn/2007/11/runner-who-died-in-army-ten-miler-had-clogge... Army Runner Who Collapsed Had Rare Heart Problem- November 29, 2007 The runner who collapsed and died at the Pentagon near the end of the Army Ten-Miler race last month had severely clogged arteries from a heart condition that is extremely rare for his age, according to an ... via WRC Washington DC Channel 4http://www.topix.net/city/ten-mile-tn/2007/11/army-runner-who-collapsed-had-rare-heart-pro... Mildred B. Tuttle- November 10, 2007 Nov. 6, 2007 Mildred Benadine Tuttle, 82, of Sweetwater, passed away at her daughter's home Tuesday, Nov. via Crossville Chroniclehttp://www.topix.net/city/ten-mile-tn/2007/11/mildred-b-tuttle?fromrss=1 |