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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for October 2007

taliesin's log (voices of women)

... since their songlines help me stay on track and in tune

Me and some mates: latest listening... - October 14, 2007

After an entry about some of the research that interests me, I must get on with my explorations. But to keep track in the meantime, another of the kind offerings from -- known as a "widget" than seems to work with most Net browsers -- is fun and allows people to see what like-minded listeners are up to there. It's fed from our iTunes and iPods or whatever, but can hardly capture what's on my CD deck: As for what is in my CD player... it's a secret somebody wrote just for...

Monitoring my migrations ... some hot 'songbird' books - October 14, 2007

This artist chart -- which gets regularly updated like my personal one below shall -- presents's group choices of people like me. We enjoy the place's gathering on the Ectophile's Guide to Good Music, which has become one of my favourite sites. I find the skeletal background (a contribution by user Mbiscan) most appropriate to my work on the roots of music, which is well under way. One research book I'm reading, along with those about women that have mostly arrived now, goes...

The Last(.fm) Post - October 7, 2007

Now there's been a long entry to tell anyone interested a little of the events of months that took me away from the Log and still do, I'd like to put in a good word for the musical haven where I spend some of my time. And a few other things. I really like the East London-based, where it seems that I'm among the oldest members. It's not just my age, which saw another year added last week, but my 1 July 2003 registration date. But I was given the latter since that was when I started using.
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