Urbana NewsLocal news for Urbana, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Watch out for changes on roads in Ozarks- June 30, 2008 Traffic changes on area roads this week: - One northbound lane of U.S. 65 will be closed at Farm's Branch bridge south of Evans Road, after 6 p.m. - Greene County KK will be closed at north 65.http://www.topix.net/city/urbana-mo/2008/06/watch-out-for-changes-on-roads-in-ozarks?fromr... Wall cloud and possible tornado captured by storm spotters Friday- June 7, 2008 Isolated thunderstorms became low-topped supercells Friday afternoon and evening in several parts of the Missouri Ozarks.http://www.topix.net/city/urbana-mo/2008/06/wall-cloud-and-possible-tornado-captured-by-st... Weather dampens project at speedway- June 5, 2008 Randy Mooneyham had planned to have his Lebanon I-44 Speedway ready to re-open on Saturday with a new dirt surface.http://www.topix.net/city/urbana-mo/2008/06/weather-dampens-project-at-speedway?fromrss=1 |