tomzyk's Journaltomzyk's Slashdot JournalMatrix Philosophy- May 23, 2003 Since I can't seem to get it out of my head, I might as well start writing down all of my thoughts about the movies before I forget them. (I'm also doing this so that when the final movie comes out, I can point and laugh at everyone and say "HA, told you so!"... or, if my theories are waaaaay off, I can just deny that this account is acctually mine.) ;)I'll be giving each of my theories in separate thread-responses below for organizational purposes. (yeah, i'm just geeky that... I hate reading the news... the Budget and Space- May 9, 2003 I read this article this morning:"How Hydrogen Can Save America"and this afternoon (just hours later), I read this:"U.S. House set to pass $550 billion tax cut"To save you timeeffort of reading them: 1. The first article is about proposing that the US govt spend around $100 billion (roughly the same amount we spent on Kennedy's space program in "today's dollars") to seriously jump-start the hydrogen production in the automobile industry to begin to replace oil over. The "Business World"- May 6, 2003 This whole "business world" thing baffles me more and more with each passing day.I have a boring job where (step 1) my boss tells me what needs to be done, (step 2) I plan for it by drawing up site and database diagrams and other menial tasks that just need to be done for documentation purposes and (step 3) I complete it WAAAAY ahead of his expected time. This gives me plenty of time to read up on randomness and wander the building. :-)Now, I originally thought that I was the only person this... I am a virtual fount of random knowledge- May 5, 2003 I thought for a moment that I really didn't have to much to do at my job (through no fault of my own); my boss gives me work and I typically finish it a long time before he expects me to. This gives me massive amounts of time to do my own personal research on the internet. read: allows me to surf for pr0n... jk. This gives me time to look up what I call cool and interesting facts and tid-bits of knowledge.This random knowledge I have researched in my freetime here began ranging from different... |