Bakersfield NewsLocal news for Bakersfield, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Levi Chance Hollingshad birth- July 18, 2008 WEST PLAINS, Mo. - Chance and Natasa Hollingshad of West Plains announce the birth of a son, Levi Chance Hollingshad, July 11, 2008, at Ozarks Medical Center. Times Past- July 12, 2008 May 28, 1896 Mr. H. A. Ebrite desires to call the attention of the public to the fact that he has just opened a barber shop at the Central Hotel, and asks a liberal share of the patronage of the public. Mount Pleasant Church and School gets makeover- July 10, 2008 The Mount Pleasant Church and School building had fallen into disrepair until a group of citizens decided to take matters into their own hands. Car drives in trench- July 8, 2008 A car driven by Robert Stonge, 70, of Bakersfield, Mo., went through cones at Ninth and South Church streets about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday and drove in a trench, according to police. Times Past- July 4, 2008 July 5, 1902 The "Glourious Fourth" has come and gone. Two thousand people thoroughly enjoyed themselves at Bakersfield, the day being an ideal one. |