Bakersfield NewsLocal news for Bakersfield, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bakersfield 2008 homecoming court- February 21, 2008 Nicole Moody was crowned queen at the 2008 Bakersfield homecoming festivities Friday. via Ozark County Times From spring to winter and back again: Unstable pattern leads to unusual weather activity- February 8, 2008 Bobbi Taylor proudly stands by the large snowman she and her mother, Christy, built after Thursday morning's snowstorm hit the Ozarks. via Ozark County Times County voters take to polls in 'Super Tuesday'- February 2, 2008 Ozark County voters will go to the polls next Tuesday, Feb. 5 to help fellow Missourians decide who they want to be the next candidate for president. via Ozark County Times |