Bakersfield NewsLocal news for Bakersfield, VT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.North Country Books to close- February 28, 2008 "There's a lot of stuff here, a lot of variety" By Sally Pollak Adam Dulin, who said he was homeless, selected a $150 book Monday afternoon at North Country Books, the used bookstore below the deli and bridal shop on Church Street. via BurlingtonFreePress.com Comcast signs purchase agreement with local cable co- February 2, 2008 "Comcast values access television, and we plan to reach out to this particular access operation as this transaction is reviewed by the Vermont (DPS)." EASTERN FRANKLIN COUNTY: A purchase agreement for the sale of 28-year-old local cable company North Country Cablevision to national cable giant Comcast has been signed, company officials confirmed this week. via The County Courier |