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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for July 2008

t3knomanser's Fustian Deposits

t3knomanser's Fustian Deposits -

Random Idea - July 18, 2008

I want to make a trailer for a Jesus Resurrection movie. Jesus rises as an evil zombie, and his former apostles must put a stop to the undead horror before all of Israel falls prey to the growing undead horror.Mostly, I want a scene with Peter slapping one of the other disciples, "Matthew, we have to! That's not Jesus anymore!"

THIS IS THE INTERNET! - July 16, 2008

This very clever would-be politician needs your money. His opponent, Arlen the Hutt is a bloviating dickbag of anti-science anti-choice pro-censorship douchery.He must be stopped, and Sean Tevis is working on turning the system in his favor. Statistically, money is what it takes to win. But Sean doesn't have that much, and he can't rely on the people he knows to be able to donate enough. So he's appealing to the Internet- if 3,000 people donate $8.34, he'll hit his financial goals. Doesn't mean.

Where the hell is Matt - July 13, 2008

Pew Pew Pew!!! (IMMA FIRIN' MY LAZORS) - July 12, 2008

Pew Pew Pew!!! (IMMA FIRIN' MY LAZORS) Originally uploaded by t3knomanser. Pittsburgh is throwing a "Robot 250" bash city wide. Basically, combining Pittsburgh's 250th anniversary with robots. I'm not sure you can go wrong there. At any rate, this is the "robot" just outside of where I work- these wires are somehow wired up to track the movement of people in PPG Place and create generative music based on that. I'm guessing that they're using a capacitance effect to do so, which makes me.

Open - July 11, 2008

Yesterday, I mentioned my move over to, but I gave the site short shrift. The service, and more to the point, the underlying engine, Laconica represents a sea change in social networks.I'm going to skip to the end, and then go back to what's going on under the hood. Here's the end: Laconica represents a completely distributed social network. Anyone can set up a Laconica server. They can then communicate with users on any other Laconica server. Gone is the, "I can't leave, all my...

An "Isolated Incident" in Troy - July 9, 2008

Troy police, under a search warrant, broke into a home to search for drugs and weapons. They shot the locks off the door, chucked in a flashbang, and went to town.There's only one problem: their informant gave them bad info. Based on nothing more than that tip, they got a search warrant and trashed someone's home. According to the police, "All the checks and double-checks were done," but one would think that if they were really following up on that tip with investigative techniques to build a...

Internet Social - July 8, 2008

I've made a few changes to my Internet presence. Obviously, I'm still keeping my LiveJournal up, and it will be my primary presence. I'm ditching twitter, except as a reblogging system. It's been so unreliable lately that it's not worth anything to me. Posts will still end up there, because I have my replacement reblogging to Twitter.So I've moved over to This site is sweet. It's the same basic idea as Twitter- a 140 character microblog. But, unlike Twitter's walled garden,

Spoke Too Soon: School Loans - July 8, 2008

So, last week, I paid off the remaining balance on my school loans. Or so I thought. I made the 4-day payoff, but didn't think about the holiday. They don't process payments on holidays, but they certainly accrue interest. So by the time they handled my payment (late yesterday or early today) thirty-eight cents of interest had accrued beyond what I paid them.So I have $0.38 sitting in my account balance. "Okay," I say to myself, "annoying, but easy enough to fix." I go to the payment page,...

Project Make McCain Exciting (aka Mission Impossible) - July 6, 2008

Debt Free - July 3, 2008

My school loans are paid off. I now have zero debt.I'm a bad American, apparently.
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