Bagdad NewsLocal news for Bagdad, AZ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Pilot of crashed plane near Bagdad found- May 25, 2008 Authorities have found the pilot of a small airplane that crash-landed over the weekend near the airport in Bagdad, a remote mining community northwest of Wickenburg. Plane Crash Mystery Solved- May 23, 2008 The mystery of a missing pilot whose downed plane was discovered Sunday near the Bagdad Airport has been solved. Pilot Of Downed Plane Tracked To Texas- May 21, 2008 Authorities in Arizona say they've tracked down the Texas pilot of a small plane that crashed over the weekend and he is unhurt. Plane crashes in Yavapai County; no signs of pilot- May 19, 2008 Spring training as we know it is threatened. Use this link to learn how to support the national pastime in our own backyard. |