Vine City NewsLocal news for Vine City (Atlanta, GA) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.FEMA Searches for Tornado Victims- March 30, 2008 "Did you have any damage from the storm" Hilda Kenderick of FEMA went door-to-door Saturday morning with what she hoped was a welcome wake-up call. via MyATLtv.com Storm-tossed trees break hearts- March 22, 2008 "You can't replace human life, but you can replace buildings and replant trees" For Ria Pell, last week's tornado accomplished what the city of Atlanta couldn't. It took down her prized trees. via Atlanta Journal-Constitution Vine City- March 19, 2008 "God was good because nobody got hurt" Elaine Jelks and her neighbors learned in the weekend storms what Katrina victims learned in 2005: First it's the wind; then it's the water; and then it's the people. via Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta tornado: Inside one Red Cross shelter- March 17, 2008 "It's goooood. Last night it was like these chicken strips in tacos" March 17th, 2008 by Thomas Wheatley in News When Friday's tornado blazed through Vine City, Rochelle DeVaughn was asleep. via Creative Loafing Vine City tornado photos- March 16, 2008 March 15th, 2008 by Thomas Wheatley in News Last night's tornado didn't just tear a path through Downtown and Cabbagetown. via Creative Loafing |