Video Symphony NewsVideo Symphony NewsArthur Axelman Joins Video Symphony- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Arthur Axelman has joined Video Symphony as liaison to the Hollywood-area post-production industry, representing graduates who are ready to launch their Avid editing, Pro Tools editing, or Adobe Motion Graphics careers. "My mission is to project my passionate belief in the virtues of Video Symphony training to the Industry," Axelman says, "I truly believe in the background, experience and quality of the instructors and the integrity of the programs we conduct. Our graduates are fully... Interview with Mike Sale - Everywhere Man- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Although Mike Sale's official title at Video Symphony is Program Director, he has assumed many roles. As an Avid instructor, Sale carries extensive editing experience to his students. As a course developer, he builds advanced courses that deliver unique learning advantages for Avid Certificate Program students. Sale also developed and conducts the evening PostSUPERS seminars that feature notable guests directors, editors, filmmakers, sound specialists and motion graphic... Film Sound Editor Solange Schwalbe- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Solange Schwalbe discovered that she really loves teaching film sound editing. "In my 'other job', editing sound for features," she says, "I spend countless hours in dark rooms. Being in a classroom with bright, eager students is a refreshing change. Besides, I love teaching." Solange conducts upper-level sound-editing courses for advanced students enrolled in Video Symphony's Pro Tools Career Program. After 25 years, over 100 credits, innumerable editorial decisions, and 12... Video Symphony PostSUPERS Forums Students Meet Working Pros- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Video Symphony has launched a new series of evening seminars for Certificate Program students. PostSUPERS sessions are informal events featuring some of Hollywood's top post-production professionals. Video Symphony instructor Mike Sale interviews top editors, sound editors and filmmakers. "The purpose of these evenings is to let our students ask questions and learn what it is really like to have a career in the industry," Sale said, "It's a rare opportunity for students to connect with such... Video Symphony Graduate Philippe Bergerioux, Trailer Editor- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Who edits those fast-paced trailers for Hollywood movies Video Symphony Avid Program graduate Philippe Bergerioux does. Bergerioux reports that he has been promoted from assistant editor to editor at Craig Murray Productions, a Burbank post-production company specializing in theatrical trailers and commercials. Murray's clients include Disney, Fox, Paramount and Buena Vista International. Before learning Avid editing at Video Symphony, Bergerioux was a dancer and a stunt actor. "That. Video Symphony Film Club Screenings Analyzing the Classics- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Popcorn, good seats in a screening room, and lots of talk about the featured movie what could be better for students who want to work on movies themselves Video Symphony's Film Club is for Avid and Pro Tools Certificate Program students. Classic films and recent movies are screened and analyzed. After the show, students and instructor Mike Sale discuss every aspect of the movie, with particular attention to post-production. "We watched The Greatest Game Ever Played at the first... |