Torrington NewsLocal news for Torrington, WY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Centennial Quilt Walk scheduled- July 21, 2008 Goshen County Quilt Guild and the Wyoming Humanities Council will be sponsoring a Centennial Quilt Walk, in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the founding of Torrington. Eastern Wyoming College board discusses future of Construction Technology program- July 19, 2008 The Eastern Wyoming College Construction Technology program may undergo several changes in the coming years, including incorporating a new curriculum and expanding to other EWC service areas, the EWC board of ... Downtown construction ahead of schedule- July 18, 2008 The Downtown Improvement Project could end earlier then expected if the construction continues to progress smoothly. Snakes are slithering into town- July 17, 2008 On Monday morning, a four-foot bull snake was discovered and captured by animal control around West C Street. Council hears sewage complaint- July 16, 2008 At the regular Tuesday meeting of the Torrington City Council, Jim and Brenda Allen appeared before the city council to request that the city pay for damage and lost property resulting from several sewage ... Mitchell Valley 4-H Club Open Youth Progress Show- July 16, 2008 On Sunday July 13th at the Scottsbluff County Fairgrounds, the Mitchell Valley 4-H Club Open Youth progress show took place. Reading bug is in the air- July 12, 2008 Hundreds of young people in Torrington have renewed their inner bookworm this year thanks to the Summer Reading Program at the Goshen County Public Library. PCPC takes a look at Newcastle prison- July 12, 2008 In preparation for the opening of the Torrington Medium Security Institution, members of the Torrington Prison Community Partnership Committee conducted the third in their series of tours of Wyoming's ... Gas drive-offs steady as prices rise- July 11, 2008 In recent months many media outlets have been reporting a rise in people filling up at their local gas station and driving off without paying. THS grad beats cancer, gets a different outlook on life- July 10, 2008 Courtesy Photo Cancer survivor Michelle Mullock hugs an orphan she met while traveling with Bethel Baptist Church to Trinidad in the summer of 2007. |