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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for June 2008

the lazarus corporation

the lazarus corporation is an online uber-gallery of assemblage, collage, digital art, painting, drawing, photography and mixed media artwork.

new section of the website - (Found June 24, 2008 )

we've just launched a new section of the website which will serve to document art projects as they progress. click 'notebook' in the menu bar above or click the link below...

david e. williams interview - (Found June 24, 2008 )

zenon gradkowski interviews musician david e. williams...

two new articles by paul hawkins - (Found June 24, 2008 )

paul hawkins interviews joe ambrose about the chelsea hotel manhattan, and writer wayne wolfson about his work...

new poetry from trip - (Found June 24, 2008 )

we're proud to present a collection of poems entitled 'You Might Shut the Lid But...' by trip...

new work by wayne wolfson - (Found June 24, 2008 )

wayne wolfson gets to be the first news item for 2008, with his new piece of writing called "of rabbits and flowers"...

new blog - selling artmusicwriting - (Found June 24, 2008 )

we've just launched a new blog about promoting your art, ways to make a living by giving away your mp3s, self-publishing for writers, and how the long tail helps you...

testing vault interview by zenon - (Found June 24, 2008 )

zenon gradkowski interviews dANiALvo of Testing Vault...

westhill whimsicalities - (Found June 24, 2008 )

sooty kemp makes her debut with a review of a gig by PTHHHH and guests in Brighton...

madame du planchette de la cloche - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Alice Kemp's "statue-like presence and pared-down interactions worked a sometimes minacious magic upon other viewers" - read the full review of 'Madame Du Planchette de la Cloche'

ear cinema the ica - (Found June 24, 2008 )

ear cinema is a multi-faceted installation using rarely heard ambisonic techniques and combining animation, film, sound and live performance within a four-screen cube...
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- June (10 items)
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