Autonoetica smullyanic discourseWhat Really Happened- July 26, 2006 Spoiler alert: talk of what happens in several recent films ahead. Two screenwriting trends that have emerged in recent years have caught my attention. The first is the device in which, while at first glance the movie appears to tell... Metro Diary- July 24, 2006 On the Bx15 bus across 125th St., a woman hereafter 'Borrower' stepped on and asked if anyone had change for her $2. After a few moments another woman 'Lender' sitting near the front of the bus held up a TransitChek... Apartment Renewal- July 20, 2006 My roommate is moving out and Maya is moving in, meaning that the music studio can now be just a studio and not a bedroom studio. Among other things, this has meant embarking on a cleaning journey of a scale... |