Last Post (kinda)- April 14, 2005 Things are a bit strange here at Asterisk as I launch a new blog in the same spot of my old one. This is just to let y&8217;all know that Asterisk is still here, but a few things have moved.... Change Is Coming- April 12, 2005 I just got back to Seattle from a fun and tiring trip to Whistler for the Telus Ski and Snowboard Festival. I&8217;ve got lots of catching up still to do, but I wanted to make y&8217;all aware of some upcoming... Dreamhost 1-click Install!- April 6, 2005 The more I use Dreamhost&8217;s Web panel interface, the more impressed I am with it. I&8217;ve been working on a few projects lately and one of them needed me to set up Wordpress. I&8217;ve never actually set it up before,... Search Engine Optimization in Marketing News- April 6, 2005 So I finally did it. I got an article published for a large, non-geek audience. In this month&8217;s Marketing News, a high circulation publication from the American Marketing Association, you&8217;ll find a very down to earth, very practical article on... Page Description Diagrams- April 4, 2005 A quick overview of Page Description Diagrams and how I use them. Bitching Blogosphere- April 2, 2005 Seems like many bloggers are doing a whole bunch of bitching and moaning lately. Join the 7nights Network: Round 1- April 1, 2005 Update 4205: For those of you who stumble across this and don't look at the date posted, this was an April Fool's Day joke played on my good friends over at the 9rules Network. 7nights is growing. The following is... |