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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for November 2004

Tales of a Stone Pilgrim

Stories from the (public) sculpture world

(Untitled) - November 6, 2004

It&146;s a surprise to me, too. I&146;m driving on over to Windham, CT to go frog hunting.I ran across a mildly interesting story about the naming of the frogs on the Willimantic Bridge there, and like all good Stone Pilgrim stories, this one got a bit out of control. Seems that there&146;s a bridge across the river there and one each corner of it sits a half ton bronze frog. Long, with one sinewy leg hanging down its concrete spool perch. Bizarre, I thought. What gives Last month, there was a..

(Untitled) - November 5, 2004

There have been plenty of times I&146;ve been fooled in my hunt for public sculpture. Noticing a great shape or pleasing line, I&146;ve taken my camera only to find that it was a bicycle rack or a traffic barrier I was seeing.And that got me thinking about wallpaper.The stuff we see around us in cities day after day is really wall paper to most of us. The design elements are obscured by familiarity. But when you really look at a lot of the work, it&146;s as exciting as public sculpture.Take...
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