Strawberry Point NewsLocal news for Strawberry Point, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Christened by floods, Noah will remember 2008- July 16, 2008 Noah Crumpton, 9, of Manchester, stands on a road closed sign in front of sandbags used to try to keep the flooding Wapsipinicon River at bay in Anamosa. Hansel, Leonard Dean- July 13, 2008 Leonard Dean Hansel, 77, of Edgewood, died Friday, July 11, 2008, at his home following a lengthy illness. More Iowans like suburban life- July 10, 2008 New census estimates released today show that for many Iowans, the suburban lifestyle apparently can't be beat. Woodward VP joins Cedar Falls Times- July 2, 2008 A former Woodward Communications VP has been named the group publisher for Community Media Group's northeast Iowa division. |