Strawberry Point NewsLocal news for Strawberry Point, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Aspiring filmmakers focus on water- June 24, 2008 Using the recent flooding as inspiration, a local group of young filmmakers hope hoping preserve the trials and devastation of the 2008 flood on high-definition DVD to share with audiences around the world. Eco Tourism campaign: $1 million strong- June 20, 2008 Contributions to the proposed Mississippi River Eco Tourism Center project have passed the $1 million mark, Jim Haring, Clinton, co-chairman of the campaign, has announced. Race to defend US towns from flooding- June 18, 2008 Towns along the Mississippi are defending themselves today against rising waters that threaten to flood hundreds of homes and large areas of farmland if the river breaches levees along its banks. Memorable weekend- June 7, 2008 Dodging tornadoes, dealing with ugly traffic on I-80, paying $100 gasoline fills and enduring the threat of floods - whew! And how did you spend your Memorial Day weekend Mine was, in a word, memorable. REGIONAL- June 2, 2008 THIS TORNADO, WHICH COVERED A 43 MILE PATH AND, AT ONE POINT, MEASURED 1-POINT-2 MILES WIDE, IS THE FIRST EF5 TORNADO IN THE STATE SINCE THE JORDAN TORNADO IN 1976. |