University Park NewsLocal news for University Park, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New in the Neighborhood- January 22, 2008 Moving to 8801 University Ave., Clive Bon Marche, the resale shop currently in Clocktower Square at 2900 University Ave. via Des Moines Register November 2007 Land Transfers- January 10, 2008 Marjorie Cunningham conveyed to Larry and Judith Lewis land in Garfield Township for between $184,501 and $185,000, filed on Nov. via Oskaloosa Herald Edwards takes Mahaska County as Obama takes state- January 5, 2008 "I've been to a lot of caucuses, but never to one like this" In a large turnout, the big three Democratic candidates took all but seven county delegates in Mahaska County. via Oskaloosa Herald |