Wall Lake NewsLocal news for Wall Lake, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Students spice up life by making barbecue- November 28, 2007 The sixth annual Cookies Barbecue 'Ribs for Kids' contests were held Nov. 10 in Wall Lake at the Cookies food production facility. via Des Moines Registerhttp://www.topix.net/city/wall-lake-ia/2007/11/students-spice-up-life-by-making-barbecue?f... Construction crews find vandalism upon return- November 28, 2007 "By the looks of the forecast, it isn't looking very good" Members of the Clay County Sheriff's Office hope people who noticed some unusual activity on Thanksgiving Day will come forward to help solve a vandalism case. via Spencer Daily Reporterhttp://www.topix.net/city/wall-lake-ia/2007/11/construction-crews-find-vandalism-upon-retu... Andy Williams shares some of his favorite things- November 20, 2007 Andy Williams is known for his mellow songs, his love of golf and his seemingly endless collection of fantastic sweaters. via Desert Sunhttp://www.topix.net/city/wall-lake-ia/2007/11/andy-williams-shares-some-of-his-favorite-t... |