West Bend NewsLocal news for West Bend, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Foundation Makes Appeal To West Ben.....- June 20, 2008 EDITORS NOTE: The following article was submitted by Karen Schwartzkopf of the West Bend Journal and Whittemore Independent.http://www.topix.net/city/west-bend-ia/2008/06/foundation-makes-appeal-to-west-ben?fromrss... Iowa farmer makes a sorrowful choice- June 18, 2008 OAKVILLE, Iowa - By the time a friend sped up the lane to Ron Lanz's farm Saturday evening - shouting that the Iowa River levee had blown - Lanz knew he faced a fateful decision: To save his own life, more than 800 of his hogs would have to die.By instinct, Lanz shut the door on the semitrailer that was half-filled with hogs. He feared a wall of water might rush across his 450-acre farm any minute. Then Lanz jumped into the bed of his friend's pickup truck and rode for his life. It's a decision.http://www.topix.net/city/west-bend-ia/2008/06/iowa-farmer-makes-a-sorrowful-choice?fromrs... Ag advocate: Stress importance of farming- June 11, 2008 Nobody said farming would be easy. That was the message Aaron Putze conveyed to a group of some 70 Jackson County Farm Bureau members at their annual meeting and picnic Tuesday night.http://www.topix.net/city/west-bend-ia/2008/06/ag-advocate-stress-importance-of-farming?fr... Historical Preservation Survey To Be Conducted- June 6, 2008 Through a grant from the Palo Alto County Gaming Development Corporation and Iowa Lakes Resourced Conservation and Development, the West Bend Historical Society will be taking on a project of completing a ...http://www.topix.net/city/west-bend-ia/2008/06/historical-preservation-survey-to-be-conduc... |