Archdale NewsLocal news for Archdale, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Some Randolph recycling sites to close- June 25, 2008 Public works officials in Randolph County say recyclables aren't the only things being dumped into bins around the county. Bone Marrow Drive Brings Hope In Randolph County- June 23, 2008 Thank you! Many of you gave the gift of life and hope Friday. Gospel Baptist Church in Archdale held a bone marrow, stem cell and blood drive Friday afternoon. Randolph County assesses fee for food vendors- June 21, 2008 Food vendors seeking to temporarily open up shop in Randolph County soon will have to pay a fee to do so. Church hosts blood drive, marrow typing- June 19, 2008 An upcoming blood drive and marrow typing will honor a local pastor and could save a former Archdale woman's life. LYNX Officials Issue Apology For Parking Lot Overcrowding- June 14, 2008 Many of you can't find spaces to ride LYNX so transit officials issued an apology Thursday. Financing approved for Randleman Reservoir plant- June 12, 2008 A treatment plant could be ready to pump the first drinking water from Randleman Reservoir by late 2010, now that the new lake's governing board has acted on its last major phase. Thomas Built Buses: What's next- June 10, 2008 Layoffs at Thomas Built Buses are frightening for High PointArchdale. I wonder if this will trigger an effort to de-certify the UAW. N.C. DOT awards almost $3 million for Archdale improvements- June 8, 2008 The N.C. Board of Transportation awarded $2.9 million to improve an intersection in Archdale. receives state employment award- June 6, 2008's facility in Lexington was one of 14 businesses in the Piedmont Triad honored last week with 2008 N.C. Employment Security Commission Employer awards. RCC gets OK to buy nearby KFI building- June 4, 2008 Randolph County Commissioners found an innovative way to expand instructional space at Randolph Community College in less time than originally proposed and for roughly 33 percent less than originally requested. |