Utica NewsLocal news for Utica, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Naperville Police Department and Partnership for a Drug-Free America...- June 29, 2008 UTICA, Ill. , June 29 PRNewswire -- Today, at the annual meeting of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police , the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, along with the Naperville Police Department, ...http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/naperville-police-department-and-partnership-fo... Firefighters battle Utica house blaze late into night- June 27, 2008 Firefighters were battling a house fire tonight in the 200 block of West Washington Street, police said.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/firefighters-battle-utica-house-blaze-late-into... Crime Watch: Paroled killer, brother charged with burglary- June 18, 2008 A paroled murderer and his brother are facing charges they burglarized a Utica business.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/crime-watch-paroled-killer-brother-charged-with... Police 6-10- June 16, 2008 Kevin D. Crain, 40, of 3440 E. 27th Road, rural Marseilles, was arrested Monday at Superior and Clinton streets on complaints of driving with a defective windshield and felony driving while license revoked.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/police-6-10?fromrss=1 Religion news 6-13-08- June 14, 2008 The Pilgrimage of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will begin with a 5 p.m. Mass at St.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/religion-news-6-13-08?fromrss=1 Starved Rock Abate- June 12, 2008 Starved Rock Chapter of ABATE of Illinois will have its monthly meeting at 5 p.m. Saturday at Pop A Top, Route 71, Jonesville.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/starved-rock-abate?fromrss=1 11-year-old girl is still missing- June 10, 2008 As of Monday afternoon, the search continued for a girl reported missing in the Illinois River.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/11-year-old-girl-is-still-missing?fromrss=1 La Salle Historical Society to offer books for a bargain- June 8, 2008 The LaSalle County Historical Society's annual Book Fair will be conducted Saturday and Sunday, June 7-8, on the museum patio, Canal and Mill Sts., Utica, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. both days.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/la-salle-historical-society-to-offer-books-for-... Irene E. Stouffer- June 6, 2008 Irene Edna Stouffer, 82, of Mendota, formerly of LaMoille, died May 27, 2008 at Heritage Manor Nursing Home.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/irene-e-stouffer?fromrss=1 In the Classroom 6-3-08- June 4, 2008 SAM ALLEN of Ottawa graduated May 10 with an Associate Degree in liberal arts from Lincoln College in Lincoln.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-il/2008/06/in-the-classroom-6-3-08?fromrss=1 |