Utica NewsLocal news for Utica, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Gifts for the giving- June 30, 2008 Area counties are spending millions to fund nonprofits and state agencies, many of which could go out of business without the money.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ms/2008/06/gifts-for-the-giving?fromrss=1 Friday Storm Damage Reports- June 28, 2008 Here are damage reports from Friday afternoon's storms. At 2:29 pm, 2 trees were blown down by strong thunderstorm winds in Utica along Tom Collins road in Hinds County.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ms/2008/06/friday-storm-damage-reports?fromrss=1 New park in Utica could be open by year's end- June 23, 2008 This small town of about 900 people offers little in the way of recreational opportunities, but that will change as work has started on a park.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ms/2008/06/new-park-in-utica-could-be-open-by-years-end?fr... |