The Badger's SettNews and opinion from around the republican InternetA Malignant Menage d'trois- February 21, 2004 Anthony McIntyreNext Monday shall see UTV's Insight, with typical investigative skill, unpick the threads that have been weaved together post-Patten to fashion a renamed garment now termed the PSNI. While we do not yet know either Insight's contents or conclusions, the very nature of the issues it intends to confront may lead some viewers to conclude that behind the facade of a name change, buttressed by RUC front men and women immersed in a discourse - although crucially not a culture - of... Who do you think you are kidding Mr Murphy- February 17, 2004 Joanne CorcoranIt seems to be the habit now of British representatives in the Six Counties to send letters of denial to committees in the 26 Counties investigating British collusion. When, during the course of his investigation, Justice Henry Barron requested some of the 68,000 relevant files on the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings from the NIO, he received a ten-page letter refuting allegations of collusion. When Sinn Féin's Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin requested answers... Back to the Future- February 11, 2004 Fionnbarra Ó DochartaighThe campaign to bring about the separation of republican and loyalist prisoners in recent years led to the publication of the Steele Review in September. However, loyalist inmates were of the opinion that while republicans were well served by Steele's recommendation, the POA were dragging its heels on its full implementation because of a dispute with the NIO on the issue of security grants for their members' homes. These were officially approved on Friday, January. Collusion families picket MI5- February 11, 2004 Fern LaneOn Wednesday morning, a delegation of 70 relatives, representing something like 100 families and 150 victims of British collusion with loyalist death squads in Ireland, together with supporters, picketed the MI5 building, the MoD and Tory Central Office in London.APRN: Collusion families picket MI5 |