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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for February 2007

Sharpton Revelation Reveals Little - February 28, 2007

"Kunta could tell that some were Foulah, Jola, Serere and Wolof . . . but most were Mandinkas."

Obama and the Old Racial Bind - February 21, 2007

RICHMOND -- Marcus Smith was working as a waiter at a Democratic fundraiser here the other night when Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) took to the podium. Smith, with dishes in both hands, stopped to listen. "I'd really like to see Obama become the first black president of the United States," he said later. Asked what made Obama black, he replied, "That little taste his father gave him was all it takes."

With Toes of All Colors, a Ripple Effect - February 19, 2007

The annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet, which ended yesterday in the District, may sound to some like an event that got shoehorned into Black History Month as an afterthought. The sport has no world champion racial-barrier breakers like Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson or Arthur Ashe. Besides, who would hold a swim meet in February anyway -- except maybe the Polar Bear Club

GPS Tagging Is for Wild Animals, Not Truants - February 14, 2007

Let's say your teenager is a habitual truant and there is nothing you can do about it. Maryland Del. Doyle L. Niemann (D-Prince George's) thinks he might have the solution: Fit the child with a Global Positioning System chip, then have police track him down.

A Good Thing for Addicts and D.C. - February 7, 2007

Ron Daniels runs what is perhaps the most controversial effort in the District's fight against AIDS: a needle exchange program. Drop off your dirty works at his mobile outreach unit, and he'll give you all this in return: new needles, sanitized cookers, vials of sterile water, alcohol swabs and cotton balls. Everything but the dope.
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