St. Stephen NewsLocal news for St. Stephen, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Leave a Comment- July 20, 2008 When Andy Jones got off work early Wednesday afternoon, he figured he'd take some time with the family. Santee Cooper reaches half-million milestone in CFL giveaway- July 18, 2008 Santee Cooper has given away more than half a million compact fluorescent light bulbs to its residential customers since launching the ongoing Switch and Save promotion on Earth Day 2008. Where We Worship- July 12, 2008 The Sun News prints announcements of special events for local religious organizations at no charge. Police blotter- July 10, 2008 A North Charleston woman recently visited a market on South Allen Drive in North Charleston and got more than she bargained for. Fun salves burn injuries- July 4, 2008 Campers at Camp 'Can' Do, a camp for kids aged 6-17 who have been burned, enjoyed their last full day of camp Wednesday with the firefighter games, held at Camp St. |