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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for June 2008

Tech Interviews

Interview questions with high-tech employers

Amazon interview questions - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Given a Binary Search Tree, write a program to print the kth smallest element without using any staticglobal variable. You cant pass the value k to any function also. What are the 4 basics of OOP Define Data Abstraction. What is its importance Given an array of size n. It contains numbers in the range 1 to n. ...

Sysadmin sample interview questions - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Why was it that you left the last job that you were at What do you think your top 3 strengths are What is most important to you in a job Major difference between FAT and NTFS on a local machine How many passwords by default are remembered in an active directory What is a C name record (in DNS) What ...

Yahoo! PHP interview questions - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Nick Halstead on his blog posts a list of interview questions from Yahoo! that a friend of his supplied, apparently free of NDA. Yahoo! is a strong PHP shop, with a few big names like Rasmus Lerdorf leading PHP development there. A few questions on PHP functions, and &8220;what does this code do&8221; type of ...

Two men running - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Adam and Bob have exact speeds for walking and running - neither Adam outwalks Bob, nor Bob outruns Adam. But for a given distance, Adam runs half the time, then walks another half. Bob runs half the distance, then walks another half. If they were to compete, which distance would Adam win at, and which distances would ...

54 screening questions for Windows admin - (Found June 24, 2008 )

What is Active Directory What is LDAP Can you connect Active Directory to other 3rd-party Directory Services Name a few options. Where is the AD database held What other folders are related to AD What is the SYSVOL folder Name the AD NCs and replication issues for each NC What are application partitions When do I use them How do you create ...
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