Anita NewsLocal news for Anita, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cass County Beef Producers Banquet set for Saturday- January 31, 2008 Cass County Beef Producers Banquet set for Saturday By Jennifer Nichols NT Staff Writer CASS COUNTY - Members of the Cass County Beef Producers will hold their annual banquet on Saturday at the Cass County ... via Atlantic News-Telegraph State budget cuts could mean more than $2,000 loss for Atlantic library- January 29, 2008 "We don't get that much from the state to begin with" By Laura Bacon NT Staff Writer ATLANTIC - Governor Chet Culver's proposed "Enrich Iowa" FY 2009 budget calls for a large cut - about $725,000 - in funding for Iowa public library funding, meaning the Atlantic ... via Atlantic News-Telegraph McMullen recalls construction career highlights- January 12, 2008 "After graduating from Cumberland High School on May 18, 1945" Bill McMullen of Atlantic, a lifelong road builder, says he had an early start in the construction business, spending long hours watching his uncle, Frank Eblen, direct his team of workers at one of his camps. via Atlantic News-Telegraph New Brayton Mayor- January 5, 2008 By Maxine Christensen The small town of Brayton has the distinction of having three different mayors in a matter of just a few months. via Atlantic News-Telegraph |