Sylvan Grove NewsLocal news for Sylvan Grove, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mueller - Miesner- March 31, 2008 Brock and Ruth Mueller of Sylvan Grove, Kan., announce the engagement of their daughter, Shannon Renae Mueller, to Joshua Paul Miesner, both of Seward, Neb. via Southeast Missourian Farmers waiting for 'other shoe to drop' on commodity prices- March 5, 2008 "We need that amount. "We hope to get a farm bill on the president's desk - and that he will sign it - within the next two weeks." Mar 4, 2008 10:18 AM, By Forrest Laws Farm Press Editorial Staff In the 30 years he's been farming, John Thaemert says, there have been three years when he felt as optimistic about the wheat outlook as he does ... via Delta Farm Press |