Warm Springs NewsLocal news for Warm Springs, GA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.BOOKS- September 28, 2007 Elias Abrams grew up tough and hard. His mother was an indentured German servant and his father a planter who ignored him. via Augusta Magazinehttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-springs-ga/2007/09/books?fromrss=1 Special women honored for work during WWII- September 25, 2007 "John was a paratrooper, and he really never talked about it either." Thelma Stephens will never forget the day her sister was injured at "the fuse plant" in Macon. via Times-Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-springs-ga/2007/09/special-women-honored-for-work-during-ww... |