AspectWerkzAspectWerkz is a dynamic, lightweight and high-performant AOP/AOSD framework for JavaAOP benchmark- November 29, 2004 With the release of the AspectWerkz 2.x first release candidate, we felt it was important to be able to track down performance results of the framework, as well as provide a place to compare it to other implementations like AspectJ, JBoss AOP, Spring, DynAOP and CGLib. AWbench project has been started for that purpose and the first results have been published today. In this report we explain what AWbench microbenchmark is about, and provides element of comparison for performance... AspectWerkz 2.0 RC1 is released- November 16, 2004 Today we released AspectWerkz 2.0 RC1. Here is a short summary of the new features and enhancements in this releases. For more details read the What is new in AspectWerkz 2 paper, or dive in into the online documentation. New architecture Fast: Average 20x faster architecture as compared to AspectWerkz 1.0 Open: ... AspectWerkz 1.0 final released- November 4, 2004 AspectWerkz 1.0 final is released. This release contains minor fix as compared to 1.0.RC3, as well as some new facilities like new Ant tasks for strongly typed annotation compilation and weaving. As a reminder, AspectWerkz 1.0 supports the following: Aspects, advices and mixins are plain Java Before, Around, After advices Method and interface introduction (mixin) Aspect (singleton, perClass, perInstance, perThread) Pointcuts are composable Method and constructor call and... |