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Feed items 1 - 10 of 11 for July 2008

Taylorville News

Local news for Taylorville, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

City gives a preview of super-sized street signs - July 22, 2008

At the corner of Poplar and Jefferson streets in West Frankfort there is a street sign, like every other corner in town, except this sign is really big.

Gas prices, river taxi, golf carts, clean coal - July 20, 2008

Thumbs down to the never-ending price hike for a gallon of gas. Just the sight of a gasoline price sign at the service station is enough to cause heart palpitations; who wants to pay more than four bucks for ...

Scott Bishop - July 18, 2008

Scott Allen Bishop, 39, died suddenly at 4:29 p.m. Monday, July 14, 2008, at his residence. Drysdale Tournament - July 15 - July 16, 2008

Robert O'Brien of Rochester, Philip Sinn of Marissa, Taylor Link of of Taylorville and Seth Nelso... Photo 1 of 82 Philip Sinn of Marissa tees off on No.

ISBA Bar News - July 11, 2008

You've seen them in Peoria, and in Charleston - ' perhaps even in Vandalia, Taylorville or New Salem State Park, north of Springfield.

Illinois Greens Face Another Setback - July 9, 2008

A Green Party congressional candidate from downstate Illinois died over the weekend.

Native butterflies showcased in Pana's Tallgrass Butterfly House - July 7, 2008

Dave Nance held up the butterfly net with a broad smile on his face. Inside was a zebra swallowtail - a delicate, ghostly-pale butterfly not usually seen around Anderson Prairie Park in Pana, where Nance staffs ...

Skydiver falls to his death - July 5, 2008

A skydiver reportedly making his first jump was killed Friday near Taylorville Municipal Airport.

Luciano: Chicago aghast by hillbilly smokers - July 3, 2008

For an astounding expose this week, the Chicago Tribune dared to send reporters into unfamiliar, mysterious territory: Downstate Illinois.

Senators push moratorium on prison closures - July 1, 2008

Launching the third week of their tour of Illinois prisons, Republican state Sens.
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