Alleyton NewsLocal news for Alleyton, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Local GCD approved by slim margin- November 16, 2007 "It was a very big decision by the voters and I appreciate the voters entrusting the board to create rules that are fair and impartial and in the best interest of local landowners." The formation of a local Groundwater Conservation District was passed by voters, along with the majority of Constitutional Amendments appearing on the ballot, on Election Day Tuesday, Nov. via The Colorado County Citizen M O R E- November 8, 2007 "My reaction is a sense of relief, the third time lucky. I'm tickled pink. I'm grateful to the people who came out and voted for the district. The disinformation campaign failed." Voters in Colorado County went to the polls Tuesday and narrowly approved creation of a groundwater conservation district. via Weimar Mercury |