Ted SheltonEarly adopter, entrepreneur, leader interested in software, the Internet, mobile telephony and computing, and VoIP. Founder or senior management with The Personal Bee, Orb Networks, CallTrex, Borland (BORL), The Dr. Spock Company, Neta4, WhoWhere?, CMP Media, and IT Solutions.Diebold Delivers Georgia for Republicans- September 24, 2006 In a follow up to his story on the 2004 election, "Was the 2004 Election Stolen," Robert Kennedy brings us, in the latest issue of Rolling Stone, specific details on how Diebold has rigged voting in Georgia, with the confessions of a Diebold employee, Chris Hood. "Will The Next Election Be Hacked," is a frightening article that shows exactly how far some corrupt politicians are willing to go to insure that they keep control of our government out of the hands of the people. Folks, our...http://tedshelton.blogspot.com/2006/09/diebold-delivers-georgia-for.html Thailand Coup Special Report- September 20, 2006 This is the kind of thing I think the Bee will evolve to do very very well... Thailand Special Reporthttp://tedshelton.blogspot.com/2006/09/thailand-coup-special-report.html Shake Rattle And Roll!- September 13, 2006 We spent the second quarter of 2006 testing the original "beta" concept site for the Personal Bee. We spent the summer implementing everything we had learned. Now we are ready and have released the Bee to the world. http:www.personalbee.comYou Can Be A Media MogulThe idea is simple. Anyone one the world can create their own news site. You choose the topic. You choose the content sources. You brand your site. You decide which stories are important and which to remove... You are the master.http://tedshelton.blogspot.com/2006/09/shake-rattle-and-roll.html Bush Administration Immune from Whistleblowers...- September 7, 2006 Posted without comment for your consternation:On Labor Day, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) issued a press release whose title summarizes its contents all too neatly: Bush Declares Eco-Whistleblower Law Void for EPA Employees. Here's some of it: Washington, DC - The Bush administration has declared itself immune from whistleblower protections for federal workers under the Clean Water Act, according to legal documents released today by Public Employees for...http://tedshelton.blogspot.com/2006/09/bush-administration-immune-from.html |