Stanfordville NewsLocal news for Stanfordville, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Stanfordville parade starts at 9 a.m.- May 27, 2008 STANFORDVILLE - At, 9 a.m., the Stanfordville Memorial Day Parade will start at the Grange Hall on Route 82 and proceed east to the Memorial Park in Bangall. What's new in the business scene- May 17, 2008 "Ronnybrook Milk. It's that good." Insurance agency adds to staff - Robert A. Kallman, president of Kallman Insurance Agency Inc. via Poughkeepsie Journal Police: Woman took revenge on neighbor's mailbox- May 10, 2008 STANFORDVILLE - A woman who alleged a neighbor killed six of her cats was arrested today after allegedly taking matters into her own hands, New York State Police said. via Poughkeepsie Journal |