Theresa NewsLocal news for Theresa, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Currier will join the race for 118th Assembly seat- May 24, 2008 Village Police Chief Timmy J. Currier will announce his candidacy Tuesday for the 118th state Assembly District. Burns drops plan to run for Assembly- May 21, 2008 After what he called "long and serious consideration," Jefferson County Sheriff John P. Burns decided that running an Assembly campaign this year wasn't for him. Mineola : School Voters Guide 2008- May 16, 2008 "I am waiting for community input to bring focus as to the best scenario" VOTING 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Cross Street, Hampton Street, Jackson Avenue and Meadow Drive schools. via Newsday.com Real estate transactions- May 11, 2008 Real estate transactions are public records obtained by the Star-Gazette from deeds on file in the county clerks' offices. via Star-Gazette Former Fire Department Treasurer Enters Guilty Plea In Theft- May 9, 2008 A Theresa woman pleaded guilty in Jefferson County Court Thursday in connection with the theft of $15,000 from the Oxbow Fire Department. via WWNY-TV Watertown Akwesasne Woman Arrested on Criminal Possession of Marijuana- May 1, 2008 State Trooper John Poggi III stopped a 2005 Dodge Durango on State Route 37 in the Town of Theresa April 30 for crossing a hazardous marking and driver's view obstructed. via WWNY-TV Watertown |