Tupper Lake NewsLocal news for Tupper Lake, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cheers and Jeers: June 30, 2008- June 30, 2008 JEERS : to climate scientists and global financial market experts, who could use a refresher course in best First Amendment practice.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/cheers-and-jeers-june-30-2008?fromrss=1 Action plan for climate change discussed- June 27, 2008 The American response to climate change will borrow from an Adirondack point of view.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/action-plan-for-climate-change-discussed?... Citizens Banks Across Northeast Sold- June 25, 2008 Community Bank System Inc. has acquired 18 Citizens Bank branches throughout northeastern New York, a company official said.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/citizens-banks-across-northeast-sold?from... Mayor upset over latest round of exorbitant electric charges- June 20, 2008 Another round of utility charges to the City of Plattsburgh has the mayor fuming.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/mayor-upset-over-latest-round-of-exorbita... Don't make waves on Lows Lake- June 18, 2008 The chief blessing and crowning achievement of the Adirondack Park is its "forever wild" forest preserve, the 47 percent of the park that we all own.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/dont-make-waves-on-lows-lake?fromrss=1 Purr-fect Place for Pets- June 13, 2008 In just a few weeks, stray cats picked up near Tupper Lake, New York will be taken to the most up-to-date home for felines.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/purr-fect-place-for-pets?fromrss=1 Heat wave cuts schools' day short- June 11, 2008 Students had an unexpected afternoon off from school Tuesday as adults -- meteorologists, parents and school administrators -- anxiously watched temperatures climb and storms threaten.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/heat-wave-cuts-schools-day-short?fromrss=... Developer interested in Tupper Lake site- June 9, 2008 Jarden Plastics Solutions closed three weeks ago, leaving 68 people without jobs - but now the building is reportedly being eyed by a major retailer.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/developer-interested-in-tupper-lake-site?... Moms Picks- June 7, 2008 VIDEO: Learn how to make a sandwich fit for "The King." Do kids today know much about Elvis, beyond him being that old guy who wore sparkly suits and ate fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches Bring them up ...http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/moms-picks?fromrss=1 Get Out Of Town: The Wild Center at Tupper Lake- June 5, 2008 Hidden in the Adirondacks in Tupper Lake is a grand museum with a wild side. "We have a lot to see - about 20 different types of fish.http://www.topix.net/city/tupper-lake-ny/2008/06/get-out-of-town-the-wild-center-at-tupper... |