Axion - Java Database - NewsNews and announcements about the Axion, the open source Java database.Axion 1.0 Milestone 2 Released- July 11, 2003 The Axion Development Team is pleased to announce the availability of Axion 1.0 Milestone 2. Visit http:axion.tigris.orgreleases1.0M2index.html for release notes and download links. Notable improvements in this release include increased DML and BTree index performance, support for OUTER JOINs, LIKE clauses, and JDBC 3JDK 1.4. Axion 1.0 Milestone 0 Released- July 9, 2003 The first binary release of Axion is now available from http:axion.tigris.orgreleases1.0M0index.html. |