Wantagh NewsLocal news for Wantagh, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fireworks find closes Jones Beach- July 6, 2008 Jones Beach was evacuated at the height of a holiday weekend after stray, unexploded fireworks washed ashore the day after a July Fourth show, state parks officials said.Roughly 2,000 visitors were told to leave the Long Island beach immediately after the seaborne shells began turning up around 12:45 p.m. Saturday, officials said.It was the first such mishap in the Jones Beach fireworks show's 14-year history, said George Gorman, deputy regional director for the state parks.Beachcombers, parks..http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/07/fireworks-find-closes-jones-beach?fromrss=1 New York beach evacuated after fireworks wash up- July 5, 2008 The Big Ten asked all reporters to predict the top three finishers in the conference and pick an offensive and defensive player of the year.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/07/new-york-beach-evacuated-after-fireworks-wash... District's Full-Day Pre-K Initiative is 'Beneficial'- July 5, 2008 In the interest of setting the record straight and revealing the truth, Larry Wornum's letter to The Westbury Times needs to be responded to.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/07/districts-full-day-pre-k-initiative-is-benefi... Scouting Honors for Donald Josling- July 3, 2008 On June 13, the Pequott District of the Theodore Roosevelt Council, BSA awarded Donald Josling the Pequott District Award of Merit.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/07/scouting-honors-for-donald-josling?fromrss=1 Wantagh slashes $1.5M from budget, drops teams, clubs- July 1, 2008 As local parents rallied to save student activities, Wantagh's school board last night slashed $1.5 million from its budget in 'austerity' cuts that would eliminate dozens of sports teams, raise elementary ...http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/07/wantagh-slashes-1-5m-from-budget-drops-teams-... The price to save Wantagh sports, activities: $650G- July 1, 2008 For school fundraisers, $650,000 adds up to a lot of raffles and flea markets. Even so, Wantagh parents and students -- who on Friday kicked off what they hope will become a campaign of record size to save ...http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/06/the-price-to-save-wantagh-sports-activities-6... |