Wantagh NewsLocal news for Wantagh, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Four people have been arrested, accused of selling illegal fireworks out of coffee trucks.- June 30, 2008 Four people have been arrested on Long Island, accused of selling illegal fireworks out of coffee trucks.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/06/four-people-have-been-arrested-accused-of-sel... Police probe robbery at Wantagh home- June 28, 2008 A couple was awakened in a Wantagh home during the early morning hours June 18 by gunmen who forced them to the ground and demanded money, Nassau police said.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/06/police-probe-robbery-at-wantagh-home?fromrss=... Cops Bust LI Coffee Trucks for Selling Fireworks- June 26, 2008 Some Long Islanders were ordering fireworks to go at the local coffee truck. Nassau County detectives arrested James Rankin, of Wantagh, N.Y., on charges of possession of fireworks on Tuesday.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/06/cops-bust-li-coffee-trucks-for-selling-firewo... Massapequa, Wantagh Temples Merge- June 24, 2008 Temple B'nai Torah, a Reform Congregation with over 650 families, has been created by the merging of two of the largest Temples in the area, Temple Judea of Massapequa and The Suburban Temple of Wantagh.http://www.topix.net/city/wantagh-ny/2008/06/massapequa-wantagh-temples-merge?fromrss=1 |