AngelweaveRSS by Hand - just for Hans (and you, noble readers - readers other than Hans). I love RSS!Goodbye Blogger- September 30, 2003 There comes a time in our lives when all sorta-good things must surely end in favor of better things. NO MORE HAND TYPED RSS FEEDS! The Century I'm Not Gonna Finish- September 29, 2003 Is what I called the ride midstream today. Our century ride met up with the normal group I ride with, Bicycle Fun Club (Trailnet). The rides converged in a big soupy mess of confusion - riders not sure whose rest stops were whose, which arrows to follow (most were blindly following other cyclists...because usually you can). Front Line Voices- September 27, 2003 The project is taking shape. The URL is in place with a blog atop it, skinning to commence soon. The group of us who have volunteered have been sharing ideas about how this should and will take place. The whole thing is fascinating; the effect should be as well. Music to Whack Terrorists By- September 27, 2003 Fulfilling my Alliance duties, I present to you a song for the mix CD, Music to Whack Terrorists By: This Week's New Blog Showcase- September 27, 2003 Voting time again. Here are my picks: Talking Trash- September 27, 2003 Tuesday night I had a dream about trash. In the dream, I was working at KFC, must've been college. And I fixated on the trash in the restaurant within the dream. I can still smell the trash there if I think about it - a mix of vinegary cole slaw sauce remnants, the scrapings off of the trays that held the chicken, too-old mashed potatoes, and, if you're in the "back," chicken blood.. SBC - YOUR Telephone Company- September 25, 2003 SBC is frenetically advertising DSL DSL DSL, Yahoo DSL everywhere I look. Brian and I tried to get DSL 3 12 years ago when we moved into this house. I can't remember what they told us except "yes" initially and "no" when we complained it wouldn't hold a connection and they sent someone out to take a look. Visit Here- September 24, 2003 And volunteer. Busted- September 24, 2003 Electric Venom posts this, which I initially missed because I didn't click the link while I was at work. My husband, however, made sure to point it out to me when I got home, and while one might take that statement to mean he'd like to send me to one of those classes, that's not quite the case. The War - Choose Your Battles- September 24, 2003 I don't write much about the Iraq war, the events leading up to it, and the events that have occurred in the rebuilding stage. There's a reason - mostly because I become emotional and have trouble becoming, much less remaining, objective on this issue. But, here are a few months' worth of thoughts conglomerated. |