Westphalia NewsLocal news for Westphalia, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.P-W selects next athletic director - July 21, 2008WESTPHALIA TWP. - Pewamo-Westphalia's Pirate ship has a new captain, as Todd Simmons takes over as P-W's new high school athletic director.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/p-w-selects-next-athletic-director?fromrss... Anniversary: Schafer - July 16, 2008Don and Geraldine Schafer of Westphalia celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary June 22.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/anniversary-schafer?fromrss=1 St. Mary Parish July 4 road races draw 170 runners - July 14, 2008WESTPHALIA - One of the most popular events on the local road-racing circuit, the St.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/st-mary-parish-july-4-road-races-draw-170-... Our towns - news from our local communities - July 10, 2008Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport, a source of controversy and discontent for the city a year ago, is proving to be a blessing.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/our-towns-news-from-our-local-communities?... Enagement: Butler - Martin - July 8, 2008Dale and Roseanna Harper of Grand Ledge announce the engagement of their daughter Amanda Michelle Butler to David Robert Martin Jr.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/enagement-butler-martin?fromrss=1 Blood drive to take place on July 7 - July 6, 2008The American Red Cross has scheduled a blood drive for Monday, July 7, at the St.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/blood-drive-to-take-place-on-july-7?fromrs... Marriages - July 4, 2008Johns, and Laura Christie Nill, 23, of Port Huron Eric Vane Patterson, 29, and Margaret Rose Ignash, 25, both of DeWitt Samuel Parker Zuke, 24, and Suzie Marie Murphy, 28, both of Bath Gary Albin ...http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/marriages?fromrss=1 Celebrate the Fourth with a bang all over town - July 2, 2008The calendar tells us we should be making our plans for Fourth of July fireworks and fun.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/07/celebrate-the-fourth-with-a-bang-all-over-... Westphalia St. Mary to host road races - July 1, 2008WESTPHALIA - Area runners can begin their Independence Day by participating in the St.http://www.topix.net/city/westphalia-mi/2008/06/westphalia-st-mary-to-host-road-races?from... |