Tillson NewsLocal news for Tillson, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Teen charged with assaulting father- March 14, 2008 ROSENDALE Rosendale Police have charged a teenage son with injuring his father by throwing him into a wall. via Mid-Hudson Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tillson-ny/2008/03/teen-charged-with-assaulting-father?fromrss=1 Residual Flooding- March 10, 2008 THERE IS STILL SOME RESIDUAL FLOODING CAUSED BY THE STORM OVER THE WEEKEND. HEAVY RAINS CAUSED SOME CREEKS AND STREAMS TO OVERFLOW THEIR BANKS IN DUTCHESS, ULSTER AND ORANGE COUNTIES. via Star 93.3http://www.topix.net/city/tillson-ny/2008/03/residual-flooding?fromrss=1 |