Walkerville NewsLocal news for Walkerville, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.One Book, One Community- April 14, 2008 Oceana on the Same Page is Oceana County's version of One Book, One Community projects that are sponsored by public libraries around the country. via White Lake Beaconhttp://www.topix.net/city/walkerville-mi/2008/04/one-book-one-community?fromrss=1 A control effort for an ongoing drug problem - archive- April 10, 2008 "We don't have the funds to do this on our own" ' Police authorities and federal employees used the destruction of 1,500 pounds of marijuana Friday to express concern about the possible loss of federal funding used for drug enforcement. via Oceana's Herald-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/walkerville-mi/2008/04/a-control-effort-for-an-ongoing-drug-prob... Seized marijuana goes up in smoke- April 5, 2008 "We put a stop to a guy who was below everyone's radar screen and put in prison someone who belongs there" ' Clouds of marijuana smoke rose over southeastern Manistee County Friday morning while police officers and federal employees looked on. via Ludington Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/walkerville-mi/2008/04/seized-marijuana-goes-up-in-smoke?fromrss... |