Walhalla NewsLocal news for Walhalla, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fire in Walhalla- December 22, 2007 Kevin and Joan Morlock arrived home this afternoon to find their Barothy Road house on fire. via Ludington Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-mi/2007/12/fire-in-walhalla?fromrss=1 Loan firm to clean up its act- December 12, 2007 "I was appalled by what lenders would do" A student loan company agreed Tuesday to stop what investigators called deceptive practices at 63 universities -- including three in Michigan -- as part of the latest settlement generated by an ongoing ... via Detroit Free Presshttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-mi/2007/12/loan-firm-to-clean-up-its-act?fromrss=1 Santa arrives in Scottville- December 4, 2007 "I've come to this since I was little, since I was in school at Riverton" ' Santa and Mrs. Claus rode a trolley car into downtown Scottville Saturday afternoon, delighting hundreds of people including dozens of children. via Ludington Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-mi/2007/12/santa-arrives-in-scottville?fromrss=1 |