Twin Lake NewsLocal news for Twin Lake, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Letter proves how homefront support helps- May 26, 2008 Photo courtesy of Jenny Pocaigue Master Sgt. Jenny Pocaigue is shown at an airbase during her tour in Iraq. Five people injured in Sunday crash in Newaygo County- May 21, 2008 An accident in Newaygo County that sent five people to the hospital Sunday remains under investigation by the Michigan State Police Newayo Post. Police: Former employee hatched robbery scheme- May 9, 2008 "I'm angry. I can't believe I was stupid enough to get drawn out. I'm angry because a former employee would steal from me, and that they came into my residence. I feel definitely violated." A former employee of a White Lake-area towing firm planned a recent holdup at the business and enlisted two accomplices, according to police. via Muskegon Chronicle Woman sentenced to jail term for embezzlement- May 6, 2008 A former employee of a hospital billing center last week was sentenced to a brief jail term, probation and full restitution for stealing $11,000. Muskegon County Circuit Judge William C. Marietti on April 29 ... via Muskegon Chronicle |