Telferner NewsLocal news for Telferner, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man thrown from truck in rollover wreck- March 28, 2008 A man was ejected from his Dodge Ram truck this morning after it hit a guardrail on U.S. Highway 59, about a mile and a half north of Farm-to-Market Road 1686 near Telferner. via Victoria Advocate TRUCKERS' TURMOIL- March 13, 2008 "You're always behind the curve." Eight years ago Robert Skoruppa could pull himself into his 18-wheeler and transport materials from Freeport to Los Angeles and back for less than $500. But those days are long gone. via Victoria Advocate 4-H youth thanks those who bought her animal- March 9, 2008 Thank you to the Wood Hi Group for buying my pig at the 2008 Victoria Livestock Show. via Victoria Advocate |