Warm Beach NewsLocal news for Warm Beach, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.NWsource: Guide to Seattle events, restaurants, shopping, music, clubs, bars, attractions, recreation, travel and deals for Northwest visitors and res- December 17, 2007 Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus The whole family is invited to this breakfast buffet hosted by the big man in red and his wife. via Seattle Post-Intelligencerhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-beach-wa/2007/12/nwsource-guide-to-seattle-events-restauran... Developers steamroll their way through GMA- December 14, 2007 The Nov. 30 article, "Keeping houses in reach," had a quote from the McNaughton Group's lawyer that was very irritating. via The Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-beach-wa/2007/12/developers-steamroll-their-way-through-gma... Smokey Point driver's plea: 'Give me a bulldozer'- December 2, 2007 "The traffic over this past weekend was much better" Last year, the holiday season in Smokey Point meant more than lights, decorations and festivities. via The Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/city/warm-beach-wa/2007/12/smokey-point-drivers-plea-give-me-a-bulldo... |