The Player NewsNews on The Player continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Read- March 26, 2008 Robert Altman has always been something of a renegade&8212an anarchic force directing television episodes in the 1950s and early 1960s, the eminence grise of the generation of filmmakers who came of age in the ... via DigitallyOBSESSED.com Altman's 'Ready to Wear' is on DVD- March 15, 2008 Q: Saw part of Robert Altman's 'Ready to Wear' recently on a cable channel. I want to see the entire film, but can't find a DVD source anywhere -- have yet to ascertain if it's even out on DVD. via The Courier-Journal Dean Stockwell- March 5, 2008 "Stephen King's 'The Langoliers'" The career of this prolific performer has come in several waves, each punctuated by a "retirement" from the screen. via Hollywood.com |